Posts in category Crafting A New Lucid
Margaret, Part 6: Life Pools
Aug 29, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
It’s time to finish out Margaret. Looking over the Body Attributes Margaret highest two are History at 12 and Dexterity 6 (and Constitution 6 but that’s okay). Doing the same thing with her Mind Attributes she has a Wisdom of 6 and Fortune of 6. Margaret. This gives Margaret the following Pools Heath 42, Ego 38 and Energy 102. However, Marga [...]
Margaret, Part 5: Drawbacks
Aug 29, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
With Margaret’s Characteristics and Boons completed Chris needs to find 3 more points. Looking over the Drawbacks the one that resonates with him most is Limitation. The first thing that comes to mind is her age. However, this could be interpreted in multiple ways. Talking with David he suggests using the alternate use for Limitation having M [...]
Margaret, Part 4: Assigning Points
Aug 28, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
An image of Margaret is starting to come together for Chris. Because she’s an older woman he wants her to be somewhat sagely, having amassed a great deal of real life experience. Part of this is summarized in her Background selections but he wants to expand on this. Going back to his original concept the other Players quickly jumped on the id [...]
Margaret, Part 3: Background
Aug 26, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
Chris continues to shape how Margaret will look and feel. One thing he knows is that she will be old enough to retire, if there still was such a thing. Knowing this he decides she was alive during the Great War and that only her mother survived. For Background Skills Chris debates between several ideas, Child of the War, Raised in the Church, [...]
Margaret, Part 2: Realm
Aug 26, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
Plagued by nightmares and visions of her husband cast into the abyss Margaret cannot rest. Inside this horrific dreamscape Margaret knowingly crosses into the Dark searching for answers about her husband’s fate. The bond of their love creates an incredibly potent link to the Dark. Although she doesn’t know it yet this choice to venture in to [...]
Margaret, Part 1: Experience Level
Aug 25, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
David is starting a new Campaign, after talking with the other Players they decide to be a Coven of experienced Lucids. David sets the Experience Level as Expert to represent there years surviving together. While working on his Background Chris decides he wants to play Margaret, an older woman, who Elucidated after her husband’s death. Althou [...]