Posts in category Nothing Wasted
Nothing Wasted Bonus: Modern Fears
Sep 19, 2013
~ Written by Dave Silva

Nothing Wasted 6: The Real World?
Dec 05, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
Nothing Wasted explores ideas to help utilize different aspects of gaming to their fullest or promote new ways to use existing tools.
Have you ever been forced to question one of your fundamental beliefs? These moments may take any form. When they happen through, you know, because something deep within has shifted, maybe it’s resolutio [...]
Nothing Wasted 5: Consequences and Re...
Nov 07, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
Nothing Wasted explores ideas to help utilize different aspects of gaming to their fullest or promote new ways to use existing tools.
The core of every role playing game is character interaction. How the players interact with the world around them and the people in it. While it can be fun to go head long into the fray of battle this is only [...]
Nothing Wasted 4: Window Dressing
Oct 03, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
Nothing Wasted explores ideas to help utilize different aspects of gaming to their fullest or promote new ways to use existing tools.
There is a tendency to treat the story around the PCs as the center of the universe, and like most people, what happens in their daily lives is the most important thing to them. However, there are always more [...]
Nothing Wasted 3: Skills, Background...
Sep 05, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
Nothing Wasted explores ideas to help utilize different aspects of gaming to their fullest or promote new ways to use existing tools.
Before we start this weeks Nothing Wasted I should say that when I say perception that we’re not talking about the Perception Skill but how our Characters perceive the world around them. More on that lat [...]
Nothing Wasted 2: Getting the most o...
Aug 01, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva

Nothing Wasted 1: Good Fortune and Ci...
Jul 04, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
When setting a scene during a story GMs cover major elements and details. With some notable exceptions it’s difficult to include every detail in a scene. This means there is a framework for everyone to play within but occasionally questions arrive. When players ask questions or look for things in the scene the GM may simply say yes or n [...]
Nothing Wasted 1: Good Fortune and Ci...
Feb 29, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
When setting a scene during a story GMs cover major elements and details. With some notable exceptions it’s difficult to include every detail in a scene. This means there is a framework for everyone to play within but occasionally questions arrive. When players ask questions or look for things in the scene the GM may simply say yes or n [...]