While other energy types are more prolific, falling across the majority of archetypes, psychic cuts a narrower path through the non-melee types. One of the things that makes the psychic interesting is that unlike other energy sets you get a real mix of options, which in the context of mastery over the mind, makes a fun kind of sense. Also, even though they historically lacked melee and tank options, this is our interpretation, so let’s have some fun with it.
Psychic Domination
- Parent Attribute: Sense or Intelligence
- Primary Role: Support: Etiquette
Lingering MA
Radius TY
Ranged MA
Selective MA
Aid (Flexible Aid 2: Defense, Offense, Total Aid) MA4
Control: Thinking Beings (Expanded Control, Broad Control) MA3
Meddling (Disorenting) MA2
New Communication: Telepathy TY
Secondary Role: Defense MA
Secondary Role: Offense MA
Defended By: Psyche MA
Limited Power: Lingering only for Support abilities.
Limited Power: Offense must always be Defended by Psyche.
Cost: 1 Power + 30 Selections / AP
With Psychic Domination things went a slightly different route. As the base sets leaned into the rarer damage type and control, we’ve embraced those aspects of the power. At its base level, the Psychic Dominator can impair or disable groups of targets. Their attacks target the traditionally lower Psyche Defense and they can provide support to teammates. Remember, a Supported Talent gets to add the Value when calculating an Advantage, allowing the Psychic Dominator to provide extra Offense, Defense or Etique, which can be used for added protection against Psychic attacks. If you’re worried that the base Psychic Dominator has too much Control, don’t worry, there’s more to come in the Control Focus. The Damage Focus also allows heroes to benefit from being creative, and mixing things up, much like the base power sets. If you’re wondering what Psyche Melee might look like, things like energy fields or telekinetic blades are always thematically appropriate. Finally, the Tanking Focus takes a rather unique approach by adding in Illusions and Mirrored Defense to keep foes off balance in combat.
Specializing Roles
Add Full Role to Offense + MA
Devastating (Boost Devastation, Total Devastation) MA3
(S) Incomprehensible Offense 4 (Applies the first time a Combat Maneuver, not already performed, is used against the same foe, or Mob.)
(S) Willpower Tricks 7
Remove: Limited Power: Offense must always be Defended by Psyche.
Cost: +14 Selections / AP
Ranged Option: Remove Total Devastation, increase Radius to MA and remove Locked Power: Lingering only for Support abilities.
Backup: Psychic Construct (Powerful Backup 7: Advanced + Devastating + Nutcracker + Striker) MA7
Cost: +14 Selections / AP
Trapping (Variable Trap, Power Pass, Untouchable Trap) MA4
Add Boost Control +MA
(S) Muddle Combo 7
Combo: Muddle: Meddling – Attack TY
Cost: +14 Selections / AP
Add Full Role to Defense + MA
Armor MA
Defends Against: All MA
Illusions (Meddling Illusions, Mirrored Defense 2) MA4
Cost: +14 Selections / AP