It may be strange to think about, but there are a surprising number of superheroes who are also police officers. Not surprisingly there is a fair bit of crossover in the skills needed to wear the badge and put on the spandex. Some examples of heroes who are also in law enforcement include the Human Torch (Jim Hammond), Nite Owl I, the Question (Renee Montoya), with shout outs to Dragon (as in the Savage Dragon), and the Flash (Barry Allen).
The One Good Apple: House Dok Productions has been critical of law enforcement in a number of adventures, notably Poisoned Apples I & II. The “default” Metahumans Rising setting is set in the Cinematic Age, Metahumans Rising, pg. 8 & 12.In doing so, we accept the best comic book stories are inspired by, or reflection of, the real world. When exploring these subjects we endeavor to provide citations.
Does this mean that all police officers are corrupt? No. However, if there are player characters that operate within law enforcement in settings that explore these topics, the GM and players should take the time to understand that character’s relationship with these elements. Do they turn a blind eye to protect the reputation of the department, are they unaware of the corruption (it may be a smaller problem that not everyone is aware of), is it systemic to the point that they haven’t found a way to address it without making matters worse, or is the situation something else?
Core Talents
Law enforcement must understand the law, the people they protect, and be able to identify potential dangers, as well as clues, or evidence.
Core Talents
- Area Knowledge: The Beat
- Intimidation (or “Authority”)
- Law
- Negotiation
- Perception
- Subterfuge
Related Talents
There are a number of secondary Talents that help in things such as establishing good rapport, detective work, and crime scene investigations. Related talents allow heroes to go from beat cops right out of the academy, into specialized fields.
Related Talents
- Area of Influence: <Pick: Other Officers, Local Citizens>
- Concentration
- Contact: <Informant>
- Cryptography
- Forensics
- Street Smarts
Law Enforcement officers are often characterized by their presence and ability to control a situation.
- Critical Skill: intimidation
- Leadership
- Intimidation Supports Grappling
Take charge, figure out your foes’ plans before they can succeed, and dominate criminals.