Over the coming weeks we will explore more detailed martial arts using the Metahumans Rising system. Each entry will include an overview of the style, key techniques, or feel of the martial art, associated weapons, and how to build a character that is able to emulate the martial art’s style. As Metahumans Rising is a game of superheroes, we’ll make sure to include how things may look whenever possible to help players and GMs visualize and describe characters movements.

Very few martial arts teach only offensive or defensive techniques (I’m looking at you parkour), as such each martial art will be listed with a primary role, and first secondary role. More so, each entry will include a “Super Style” interpretation of the martial art, taking the fighting style to fantastic levels. As a Super Style through, the martial art becomes a power and is subject to ability that may drain or inhibit their abilities, such as a Ki Blocking (Drain) strike.
Two things to acknowledge: First, there is no perfect martial art. (Barring, of course, Hokuto Shinken, which should not be measured against other martial arts.), However, there is the martial art perfect for the individual. Second, there are easily over a hundred different types of martial arts, perhaps thousands when you factor in different the different branches and schools within each martial art. Even within professional Boxing there are three major styles, and multiple subtypes within each of those styles.
Our goal is not to create an exhaustive list, rather to collect cinematically enjoyable styles, with a balance between openness and specificity with room for multiple players to take the same martial art. For example: A campaign focusing on four brothers trained by a master in one martial art should be not only be viable but with enough diversity within the style for each hero to find their niche and unique feel.
We hope you enjoy the upcoming articles, and that they can provide inspiration at your game table…
One more thing before we get into the thick of it. We’re also going to be taking a look at some of the combat maneuvers included in the core book and how a martial artist may apply them.