Posts tagged Religion
Off The Beaten Path 3: The Northern S...
Mar 20, 2013
~ Written by Dave Silva

Lucid Tales – Canaan
Jan 30, 2013
~ Written by Dave Silva
There is little that makes sense when I step out of the amphetamine-laced walls of the hole I met, really met, Ember in. The stench lingered on me, the chemical smell of boiling drugs. Snorting into my cigarette, ash balloons out in small carcinogenic tornadoes There was no telling where I was walking too, or if I was heading towards anythin [...]
Lucid Tales – Coins
Oct 31, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
There was a distinct smell to a junk squat. It was a chemical smell that hung in the air, a smell that sober people knew instinctively to avoid. These instincts were cooked off, boiled from the primal lizard brain of a junkie’s mind. The smell of baking benzo carbazole meant pleasure not death to those so far gone they could be here.
Pushing [...]
Land of Confusion 4: The Religious Vo...
Oct 24, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva
Before the Purge no one outside the Reclaimer Church realized how large their numbers had swelled. Everyone was too busy fighting wars to check on splinter religious groups. While one could argue part of the reasoning behind the Purge was to consolidate power under a single religious banner it is unlikely the real reason will ever be known. H [...]
Adventure Seed 6: Succession!
Jun 27, 2012
~ Written by Dave Silva