Land of Confusion explores what it’s like to live on Earth 2202.
During the Purge the Church of the Church of the Reclaimer waged a war on information. This extended to any culture that fell outside the Reclaimer world view. The entertainment industry, musicians, and film makers were high priority targets. Most industry professionals w [...]
During the Purge the Church of the Church of the Reclaimer waged a war on information. This extended to any culture that fell outside the Reclaimer world view. The entertainment industry, musicians, and film makers were high priority targets. Most industry professionals walked away without a fight to avoid persecution. However, there were th [...]
Enough trudging though dark alleys. Time to stand in the light, the limelight. The divide between rich and poor is vast and the methods of overcoming that gap seem to be evaporating daily. While the have nots may lack basic educations and health services something they will always have access to is entertainment and music still remains a powe [...]