The Missing Episode 8.5 – The Flyover
Unfortunately, due to issues with a recording, we lost one episode. The episode centered around the teens return to the school and a brief look at what lay below.
Flying back in an aircraft halfway between a stealth jet and transport helicopter, the Nighthawk the teachers debated the merits of involving the students any further. Hesitant, Moon Dog made the teens swear to secrecy to avoid students harming themselves by taking up heroics. All of them still somewhat shell shocked from the battle, each for different reasons agreed.
Two miles from the school the Nighthawk pulled into a secret mountain landing strip connected to a base and the school. There they were given an abbreviated tour by Mr. MacArthur AKA Primal as he led the teens to a one way escape platform in the gym’s equipment closet.
Although Moon Dog declared no more intervention from the students Primal pulled them aside for one more mission. Still in recovery from their first encounter with the Eisenreich, Primal asked the heroes to go back into Phoenix on the Saturday bus to learn what they can from the arcades. Of course, things are not always as easy as they seem.
The Characters
Arianna Corazón de Sousa (Archie) – The beautiful Brazzilian heiress with a perfect body.
Soren “Quick Steel” Stal (Mike) – Inheritor of the legendary blade Tyrfang and the curse that follows.
Steve “Reflection” Moore (Julian) – A young shapeshifter who lost his home due to his powers.
Mina Shirdel (Krista) – A young girl adjusting to the snakes that have begun to replace her hair.
Character backgrounds and links to their sheets.
Metahumans Rising
Developed using the Open Action System, Metahumans Rising focuses on recreating the experience of a comic book. Characters roll dice based related characteristics. Each character has a pool of Willpower that allows them to modify their powers in creative ways and achieve any number of other related effects. This pool is fueled by their Drives, motivations that push them to go beyond their limits.
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