Suitable Campaign Age: (Late) Bronze, Dark, Extreme, Cinematic
Adventure Tone: Action-Adventure, Philosophical
Recommended Power Level: Low or Classic
Content Warning: Mild body dysmorphia (cybernetics), hard moral choices, no happy endings
Science is always pushing the edge of what is believed to be possible, and what is actually possible. When a team of researchers at Dynamic Biotech crack the walls of reality, the heroes have to patch things up before everything comes crumbling down. The catch? They have to catch whatever came through first.
Count Zero
For the heroes within the campaign city, read the following, without the time markers, unless someone has a means to precisely tell time.
00:00:00 UTC – For a moment everything seems to be in flux, anything is possible and everything is happening at once.
00:00:01 UTC – Reality stabilizes. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. The sensation is gone so fast it seems more like an aberrant thought than anything else.
Note: 8 PM Eastern / 5 Pacific.
After describing the event, allow the players to describe their characters and what was occurring in that instant.
What Did I Just See? Mental + Concentration, Very Advanced (30)
GMs can ask characters with appropriate forms of Super Speed to make a roll that might offer them additional insight into what is happening. .
If the hero has jumped between realities in the past, reduce the Difficulty to Advanced (25)
- Failure: For a moment it is as if layers of reality are folding over on one another. It is overwhelming and the hero suffers 15 Psychic Damage – Any Psyche Armor. If this is enough to trigger an Injury, reduce the Damage by 9 and Take an Injury (Players should explain how what the hero experienced triggered the Injury). If there is enough remaining Damage, treat this as a Staggering Attack, reducing the final Damage by increments of 3, and losing that many Actions.
- Partial: As before, but allow the player to describe one reality that the hero experiences in that second. The hero suffers 12 Psychic Damage – Any Psyche Armor. If this is enough to trigger an Injury, reduce the Damage by 9 and Take an Injury, otherwise treat this as a Staggering Attack, reducing the final Damage by increments of 3, and losing that many Actions.
- Success: As above, but the hero also experiences a strange technological cityscape filled with overwhelming volumes of information coming at theme in that second. The hero suffers 9 Psychic Damage – Any Psyche Armor. Treat this as a Staggering Attack, reducing the final Damage by increments of 3, and losing that many Actions.
- 1 Degree: As above, at that moment the hero sees a shootout between a trio of cybernetically augmented people and a number of guards. The hero only suffers 6 Psychic Damage – Any Psyche Armor. Treat this as a Staggering Attack, reducing the final Damage by increments of 3, and losing that many Actions.
- 2 Degrees: As above, the guards are joined by a three meter power armor suit (frame) using vectored thrust and wings for flight, turning the tide of battle. The hero only suffers 3 Psychic Damage – Any Psyche Armor. Treat this as a Staggering Attack, reducing the final Damage by increments of 3, and losing that many Actions.
- 3 Degrees: As above, one of them fires off a submachine gun from her forearm. The hero suffers no harm.
Note: If there are more than one super speedster, GMs can depict other futuristic scenes happening as well, such spiraling megabuildings plastered with unending glowing signs, or a squad of hovering police frames.
The Quantum Thief
Within hours of the Zero Event the heroes will be called to the Dynamic Biotech main building. If the heroes do not have a good public reputation, adjust the scene as necessary.
The main office is a thirty four story building, on a dedicated block. Smoke trails from one of the windows near the middle of the structure. Police have the building locked down, with SWAT and the MCPD on site.
Inside, the heroes are greeted by Dr. Clara Brown, a researcher at DBC who had been working on a quantum stabilizer. She will take the team to the lab. On the fifteenth floor, Dr. Brown takes the team to an observation area. This looks down on a white room, with a mounted beam weapon of some type, it is plugged into a number of different machines, and computers. In front of it is a ribbon of energy that glows with a strange purple light. Technicians and scientists, in clean suits, are swarming around it taking readings, and reading the data from the machines.
Dr. Brown will provide the following pieces of information:
What is the device:
“This is a prototype quantum stabilizer, a device we had hoped to use to help treat certain medical conditions, and Metahuman complications.” The doctor begins. “It’s designed to mitigate harm by distributing it across an infinite number of alternatives, effectively smearing the target into an infinitesimal mass across all possible selves, harmless to affected alters. Of course, we can’t use it for things such as cancer, but physical trauma, radiation poisoning, or other anomalies can be effectively mitigated. It’s like homeopathy, but it works.”
What happened:
“One of our researchers, Dr. Petra Kobayashi was performing a check on the lens array, before our first test, when the stabilizer fired. We’re still not exactly sure what happened. It appears that she was, hmm, pulled through a tear between realities. We believe someone, an alter maybe, was subsequently pulled through on our side as well. Unfortunately, they seem to have…” She gestures with her hands. “Gone.”
Why do they need the heroes:
“As of right now, we’re tracking a growth in the reality ribbon. We believe the two universes may be collapsing in on one another. Unless we can rebalance the two sides, I’m not sure we can mend the tear.”
What’s Left Behind:
If the heroes ask for it, Dr. Brown will take the team to Petra’s office. Her backpack is slung on the chair, and her phone by a DBC laptop.
“No electronics in the clean room. Guess I can rule out some electric surge from her cell.” Brown shakes her head. “That was a long shot.” Realizing she had been talking out loud she addresses the heroes. “We wear clean suits, no static, and a strict no electronics policy in the lab.”.
Check The Tapes, Sense + Forensics, Laborious (35) Difficulty
There is security footage from the event. Dr. Brown will offer to show it to the heroes, but it may not be much help.
- Failure: The Stabilizer seems to activate on it’s own as Dr. Kobayashi is checking the lens. In a flash of strange purple light, she is gone, in her place is a woman on her knees, she wears a black bodysuit with blue trim, as she looks up the cameras short out, and then she is gone.
- Partial: Something collapses into the woman’s arm before the image is lost.
- Success: Those were clearly gun barrels.
- 1 Degree: The woman knocks her head to the side for a brief moment. It does appear to be Dr. Kobayashi, or an alternate version of her.
- 2 Degrees: Blue lines seem to appear over the “Kobayashi’s” eyes before the screen goes.
- 3 Degrees: Zooming in, there appears to be consistency to it, like reading text backwards. However, the resolution is too low to tell.
After showing the heroes the footage, Brown will add: “We are confident that the person took stairwell B, and exited from the 6th Street Side door as we see the same blurring in those cameras only.”
There are a number of avenues the heroes can pursue to try and locate the Alternate Kobayashi. Here are a few possible options.
How Close Are They? Intelligence + Research, Advanced (25) Difficulty
With the clue that whoever crossed over may be an alternate version of Dr. Petra Kobayashi, the team may want to check the doctor’s home.
- Failure: Petra lives in a modest apartment. There is not much here, one wall is decorated with her degrees, along with a picture from graduation, but little else as far as decorations or personal effects.
- Partial: While the home has some electronics, it doesn’t appear that the doctor has a home computer.
- Success: Near the bed is a laptop power cable. However, the computer itself is missing.
- 1 Degree: Using the component information on the power cord, it appears that the brand of laptop used has a GPS.
- 2 Degrees: The laptop may have a locator app paired to her cellphone in case it is lost or stolen.
If the heroes have Dr. Kobayashi’s cellphone (What’s Left Behind) an Advanced (25) Intelligence + Computers or, Lock Picking, roll, can bypass the finger lock. This will allow heroes to track the device, giving them 2 free Degrees of Success on Tech Anomalies.
Tech Anomalies, Wisdom + Engineering (and Research), Advanced (25) Difficulty
Noting the odd behavior of the cameras at the DBC building, the heroes may look into other oddities with technology in the area.
- Failure: It may be too soon, or simply not happening, but there are no real reports of tech going wonky.
- Partial: There’s rumors that the local traffic cameras are not working.
- Success: Bouncing between local forums, F-Board (a Metahuman chat site), and other pages, it’s clear that it’s not just traffic cams that are on the fritz. It definitely seems localized to the city, and more concentrated in some areas than others.
- 1 Degree: The heroes are able to map out the locations of the events, it seems that there were a number of outages around the city center, then the financial district a short time later.
- 2 Degrees: Looping in camera data, it seems that the anomaly makes its way towards Suarez and 20th, a meatpacking district with links to organized crime.
Beating the Streets, Wisdom + Street Smarts, Very Laborious (40) Difficulty
Eventually, the heroes will need to hit the streets to try and locate the alternate Kobayashi’s. The heroes gain 1 free Degree of Success for any time they rolled 2 or more Degrees in Check The Tapes or Tech Anomalies.
- Failure: It seems that it didn’t take this version of Kobayashi long to get the lay of the land. Trading a set of upgraded computers to a local gang, she set up a safe house in the meatpacking district. However, it takes a full day and night to track down the alternate Kobayashi’s. True Names and Burning Chrome occur concurrently with the heroes only locating Tetra “Wisp” Kobayashi because she is attacked in her hideout by GEO forces. (The heroes will need to convince her not to run, mid battle.)
- Partial: The team arrives at Kobayashi’s alter’s hideout moments before GEO’s strike team. The heroes can make a Sense + Perception roll with the same Difficulty to spot them before they move in, if successful, they can resolve Burning Chrome before True Names.
- Success: The heroes are able to locate the alternate Kobayashi’s, jump to True Names.
True Names
The meat packing district is a dense collection of processing plants, warehouses and street vendors. It’s not the best neighborhood, but as long as you don’t care about the FDA rating, it also has some of the best food in the city.
This Kobayashi’s is holed up in a shack on top of one of the processing plants. The fire escape ground safety has been disabled, allowing people to get to the room. The shack has little more than enough room for a bed and is against the side of the stairs, so it blends in, it’s unlikely that the company that owns the building even realizes that someone could live up here siphoning electricity from their building.
The alternate Kobayashi’s has set up spy cameras, and will attempt to flee when it becomes clear that the heroes are approaching the shack.
- Heroes can avoid detection with a Dexterity or Intelligence + Stealth Roll, Advanced (25) Difficulty.
- Heroes can detect the Kobayashi’s attempted escape with a Sense + Perception Roll, Very Advanced (30). If they fail this roll, begin a Contested roll, for a chase after the heroes realize she’s at the fire escape. The alter is running with a roll of Dexterity 8 + Rewired 12 + 3d6.
Catching Kobayashi’s Other Self
If the heroes reach the shack undetected they will find a woman that looks very similar to Dr. Petra Kobayashi working on a number of laptop monitors hung on the wall, connected to loose wires and circuit boards. She seems to be able to interface with them by simply moving her hands. Once the heroes make their presence known, a pair of twin submachine guns will emerge from her forearms, trained on whoever is in the lead.
If the alternate Kobayashi’s is forced into being cornered from a chase, she will already have her greasers out.
These guns along with her, perhaps Kevlar-weave, black clothing, along with metallic looking eyes set her apart from this world’s Kobayashi.
In either case, the heroes’ next actions will determine how the alter will react. Should they take any aggressive actions, this Kobayashi will attack, and attempt to flee, possibly again. (Her character sheet is available at the end of the adventure.)

Talking This Kobayashi Down:
- Directly: Expression + Etiquette, Very Advanced (30) Difficulty
- Bribe: Mental + Negotiation, Expert (20) Difficulty
Depending on how the heroes chose to approach this Kobayashi will determine how difficult it is to get through to her.
- Failure: Tetra Kobayashi, AKA Wisp, has no interest in going back to her homeworld. Things go a lot easier where she’s at now, and she doesn’t believe the heroes that something bad will happen if she stays.
- Partial: Wisp will reveal that in her world she is an operator, someone who works along the fringes of society. When she was ripped from her earth, she was in a firefight. If she goes back, it will probably mean death. Petra is probably already dead, so it doesn’t really matter.
- Success: The deal was a follow up gig, run security for her handler as he sold an experimental disruptor rifle. Only Mouthman, her handler, was in over his head and sold her out. Before she can get out, a corporate goon blasts her with the disruptor and she found herself in this world, looking down the barrel of the same gun. If she goes back, it’s likely she’s going to wake up in a box, or at best some corp jail.
- 1 Degree: Wisp is willing to believe the heroes, but she’s going to need some support to go back through “Some of those comic-book toys” to keep her safe.
- 2 Degrees: “Looks like my ticket’s punched. Going back is a death sentence, but I don’t go, both worlds do.” Unlike the 1 Degree result, where she will not return without support, she will ask for some kind of help on the way back to the DBC facility.
Burning Chrome
The heroes are not the only ones tracking the events at DBC and the subsequent technological anomalies. A spy inside DBC has tipped off an agent of Global Environmental Operations. They have sent an acquisition team built from local mercs and supervillains.
Leading the team is Backlash (Full character available in the Diversionary Tactics Adventure Seed)
GEO Acquisitions Team
This battle can happen almost anywhere. GEO is using contractors and are looking to capture Wisp. The heroes are just a road bump. Wisp will fight alongside the heroes in the battle so long as they Success or better on Talking This Kobayashi Down.
- Stakes: Procure the tech anomaly.
- Size 2 – Mass of mercs, with robotic henchmen
- Ferocity 4 – Superpowers are flying.
- Target 40
- Damage 6
- Success Threshold 9
- Starting Advantage 6
- Notes:
- 1: If any hero is knocked out, Wisp will activate her Cloaking Field (Escape Clause) and vanish. This will trigger both her Drives Survival is doing what you must, and Wisp in the wind giving her 2 Willpower, a +6 and bonus die to any related roll for the escape. If the heroes had 2 Degrees of Success, she will return to the DBC facilities without them at this point. Otherwise, the heroes will need to find her after the battle.
- 2: If this battle is happening concurrently with True Names, the heroes can still attempt to inform Wisp about what is going on, although they suffer a 10 point penalty to the roll.
All Tomorrow’s Parties
Returning to the DBC office building, it seems taller than when the heroes first arrived, having more than doubled in height at almost 80 stories tall. The building seems to be illuminated in an eerie purple neon, much like the ribbon. The area is cordoned off, and there is a clear evacuation effort from police and the national guard. The corporate signage seems to flip between Dynamic Biotech and Scanlon Security.
When the heroes arrive, an officer will bring the team to the edge of the quarantine zone. Dr. Brown will meet the team:
“The rupture is growing. Everyone’s out of the building, but who knows what it looks like in there. The change seems to be almost complete, and based on the growth patterns, I think the lab is somewhere between the twenty second and twenty eighth floors.”
If Wish is accompany the team willingly GMs can add the following back and forth between Clara and Wisp:
“I know that building, and it’s going to get a lot bigger. The lab should be on twenty four.”
“How do you know?”
“That’s where my team first put the English to the disruptor.”
Dr. Brown will then add:
“With the ribbon’s expansion, I can’t guarantee safety inside the building.”
Depending on the narrative, Wisp may go in solo, relying on speed and stealth to reach the quantum stabilizer, or the heroes may opt to make the run with her.
Breaching SSI
Reality is folding in on itself and the “SSI” building is in full lockdown. Except that the heroes are coming from the other side.
- Stakes: SSI does not know what’s going on and any intruders will be neutralized.
- Size 4 – A bigger on the inside arcology.
- Ferocity 3 – Skilled guards with cybernetic augmentations and advanced tech.
- Target 45
- Damage 7
- Success Threshold 13
- Starting Advantage 5
- Notes: The heroes can approach this using stealth. As long as the heroes are using stealth tactics, and obtain more Successes than the Disaster, no alarms are raised, and it inflicts no Damage.
As the heroes reach the lab, the world seems to be mirrored, with them on Wisp’s side, and Dr. Kobayashi on the other. There is an army of guards chasing her, if the disrupter works and the worlds are split returning Petra and Wisp to their respective realties she’s going to be facing a firing squad. If they don’t, reality will crumble.
The heroes are faced with a dilemma at the end, here are a number of possible outcomes:
- Wisp does not Return (This can also be used if she is captured by GEO): The two worlds continue to bleed into one another, GMs should begin a doomsday clock, with the overlap becoming progressively more apparent, then other worlds joining in story over story. If the heroes can’t correct things, eventually a reality where the earth doesn’t exist or the atmosphere can’t sustain life will overlay. Kill your babies, until the heroes come up with a creative solution.
- Wisp Goes Alone, without aid: The heroes will watch Dr. Kobayashi returns at the same time. As the ribbon begins to close, they will see the final fate of Tetra “Wisp” Kobayashi as she cannot escape the corporate goons.
- Wisp Gets a Goodbye Present: Depending on what the heroes have given her, adjust the above appropriately. If the aid can mitigate damage, she may be able to escape. If it is some form of weapon, she will be too overwhelmed and while making a better last stand, still not survive. Things such as teleporters, or movement boosters can save her as she will not hesitate to flee. Who knows what she will do with the supertech on the other side after that though.
- The heroes make the jump with Wisp: GMs can effectively replay Breaching SSI, without the stealth option to escape with this world’s quantum destabilizer. It will of course be damaged in the escape, opening up the team to an adventure in Wisp’s world in order to get home. GMs, her world is filled with AR constructs and mecha powered armor soldiers, have fun! (Link to worldbuilding articles.)
Upon completion, the heroes can add one of the following for free if they successfully close the ribbon (the others may be purchased with Experience as normal if appropriate):
- Background: Dimensional Traveler.
- Contact: Dr. Clara Brown
- Enemy: GEO
Name: Tetra “Wisp” Kobayashi
Campaign: Connection Error Adventure Seed
Power Level: Classic
Attributes: Focused
Talents: Diverse
Born in the free city of Greenbough, Tetra’s family moved to the Arlington sprawl when she was young after the farm collective collapsed. Her parents were hicks, making what they could slinging rooftop produce from condemned buildings.
Tetra wasn’t chasing her parents’ dead agro-coop dreams though. Farmers don’t live in cities, too many rats. Scavenging discarded tech from the mounds of untouched garbage that crafted the borders of Tetra’s neighborhood, she rebuilt her first AR (Augmented Reality) viewer at eleven, and added a low grade AI assistant at twelve. While her parents tilled the soil, Tetra worked the locals, repairing electronics, and cracking DRM protections. Soon as she could, Tetra got jacked and upgraded for integrated reality, and full access to the data sea.
Mom caught a bullet when Tetra was thirteen, from a ripper gang looking for meat. Dad managed to hold it together for a few more years then went Kerouac, hit the road in a boosted car, leaving Tetra everything he had left, fifty two credits, a CED 10mm magnum load pistol, and six bullets. Note he left had the name of a fixer she could sell the gun to for cash.
By that point, Tetra was already running mining gigs in the deep net for the local fixer. Dad passing on a dead cop’s drill before ghosting her, that just meant she could start making real money in Arlington proper, stop dancing around the edges on half-dead servers.
Issue 0 – The SSI Job
Tetra forgot how she got the name Wisp, but it fit well enough. She wasn’t a long term player, get in, get out, team screws that up, that’s their problem, vanish and make sure the job gets done. It was a double edged rep, the handlers knew she had the skills and could deliver; not a lot of people willing to sign on with a ghost.
Scanlon Security was one of those operations that was so big they thought they were untouchable. Who’s going to touch a corp that supplies thirty seven world governments their mechanized troops? Gig was supposed to be easy, swap out testing data and lift a prototype rifle.
Getting into the arcology was simple. Arrange for five employees to leave for various unrelated reasons, swap out the biometrics and photo data and the team is in. Everyone’s hardware’s internal, synthskin overlays get them past the internal sensors. After that it’s all basic electronic lock picking.
Rico peels off to secure an exit vehicle, Chance, and Yo-Yo get to stand around and look meaty as Ash and Wisp hit the lab. Wisp swaps the test data while Ash disconnects the rifle from the power source, and monitoring gear. Things get dicey when Ash pulls the cables, the monitor was apparently running a dedicated security subroutine, not linked to the systems Wisp was in.
“Security kits are inbound, you got ten seconds to get out of there.” Chance’s voice barks across comms.
“Data’s secured, let’s move it Ash!” Wisp looks up to see metal and split nanotubing inside a pile of smoking meat, all that’s left of her partner. “Ash’s wasted, I got to secure the rifle, buy me time.”
Running into the clean room, Wisp picks up the dedicated subnet. Rookie mistakes, handler couldn’t have known, everything was going so easy. Neither of them thought to scan the damned room before Ash went in for acquisition.
As Wisp overrides the security there is an explosion from the outside,
“Tick, tick, we’re down one exit path!” It’s seconds after Chance’s call before Wisp is out of the lab. Yo-You had brought down the ceiling to cut off Security from one hall, but that pinned the team in. Rifle’s case on her back, the twin linked greasers rip from Wisp’s forearms to give fire support. The smart-link takes control of her off hand for increased precision.
“Yo-Yo, grenades!” Chance shouts as the woman drops to knees. Explosives rocket from her exposed abdomen as a beam of light lances her skull. “#^@&, move, now!”
Chance and Wisp blitz through the smoke, both of them firing off a hail of automatic fire from their popups. There’s a moment of silence as the pair enter the stairs then Rico comes over the comms. “Don’t know what’s going on, but they are locking down the garage.”
“Keep your head down, we’re en route now.” Chance looked at Wisp, can you get the gates up?”
“Just get us to them, clean.” She retorted trying to keep her breath as they flew down the stairs.
The garage is swarmed with guards, some in mechanized frames. It’s a split second from when Chance pops the door to them beginning to fire. A split second is all Wisp needed though. Popping her camo skin Wisp becomes invisible to the naked eye. Chance doesn’t even realize she’s gone as he tries to shoot his way to Rico. There’s no way he and Rico are going to shoot their way out. As Chance draws fire, Wisp quietly slips away.
Merch gets delivered, job gets done.
History 11 Strength 4 Dexterity 8 Constitution 5 Sense 9 (1 AP)
Fortune 6 Wisdom 5 Intelligence 15 Mental 12 Expression 5
Origin: From Junk to Jewels (Empowered: Craftsman) 11
Catalyst: Only Way To Survive 8
Drive: Survival is doing what you must 5
Drive: Wisp in the wind 1
Background: Agro-Refugee 3
Bargain Finder 5
Computers 12
(S) Bypass Security 8
(S) Data Mining 8
Concentration 5
Contact: Martin Mouthman (Handler) 3
Cryptography 3
Distraction 1
Forgery 1
Intuition 5
Lock Picking 3
Perception 3
Repair 10
Research 4 (1 AP)
Scrounging 7 (2 AP)
Stealth 1 (1 AP)
Street Smarts 1 (1 AP)
Subterfuge 4 (2 AP)
Technical Operations 10
Combo: Gun and Run: Attack – Move TY
Combo: Twin Linked Fire: Attack – Attack TY
Tools: Actual Tools, Escape Clause, Hidden Weapon, Smart Device TY (MA – Bargain Finder)
- CED 10mm magnum load pistol (Boost Devastation)
- Cloaking Field (Escape Clause)
- Finger Blades (Devastating in Close Range)
- Overclocked Greasers (Increased Rate of Fire)
Computers Supports Ranged Attacks MA
Cost: 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 AP
Rewired 12
- Parent Attribute: Intelligence
- Primary Role: Support: Intelligence
Ranged TY
Radius TY
Added Support: Dexterity MA
Control: Smart Devices & Computers (Expanded Control) MA2
Meddling MA
New Communications: Smart Electronics TY
New Movement: Enhanced Running (Rapid Acceleration) MA2
Secondary Role: Defense (Full Role) MA2
Evasion MA
Passive Defense MA
Secondary Role: Offense (Full Role) MA2
Automatic MA
Devastating MA
(S) Automatic Fire 4 (2 AP)
(S) Combot: Twin Linked Fire 4 (2 AP)
Limited: Cannot use Automatic or Devastating at Close Range.
Limited: Meddling only for Electronics (Includes robotic or cybernetic characters.)
Limited Uses
Cost: 1 Power + 12 Selections + 17 AP
Starting with her cybernetic brain, Wisp’s nervous system has been rebuilt with carbon nanotube shielded conductors, allowing her to think and act faster than a meat body. She also sports a suite of code for taking over any machine with an operating system, integrated camouflage, twin linked M7 “Grease Guns” and a synaptic accelerator allowing her to dodge almost anything. The greasers also include nano-hives to produce ammo as needed, but it is possible to fire faster than they can produce bullets. Wisp’s other integrated systems are more like party favors, tricks she pulls out as needed.
Stamina 19
Willpower Current: 6 Max: 11
Starting AP 30
Attributes 1 + Talents 7 + Boons 5 + Powers 17 – Drawbacks
Initiative: 23 (Intelligence 15 + Intuition 5 + Perception 3) Dice 3
Surprised Defense: 18 (Fortune 6 + Rewired 12) Dice 3 Armor 2
Normal Defense: 27 (Intelligence 15 + Rewired 12) Dice 3 Armor 2
Mental Defense: 12 (Mental 12) Dice 2 Armor 1
Defense Notes:
Computers: Gain 4 free levels of Armor when dealing with Robots and Automations.
Intuition: Once per session, use Intuition (5) with Surprised Defense.
Perception: Once per session, use Perception ( 3) as a Supporting Characteristic for Normal Defense.
Repair: Once per session, Repair may be used as a Healing Power for Gear, this Heals 2 Damage.
Favored Attack: M7 “Grease Guns” 39 – Single Fire (Intelligence 15 + Rewired 12 + Computers 12) Dice 4 Range Medium Damage 10 Notes Limited Uses
Secondary Attack: M7 “Grease Guns” 43 – Burst (Intelligence 15 + Rewired 12 + (S) Automatic Fire 4 + Computers 12) Dice 5 Range Medium Damage 12/6 Notes Hits Twice, Triggers Limited Uses regardless of roll, Limited Uses
Additional Attack: M7 “Grease Guns” 33 – Single Fire – Twin Links (Intelligence 15 + Rewired 12 + (S) Twin Linked Fire 4 + Computers 12 – Maneuver Combo 10) Dice 5 Range Medium Damage 12 Notes Limited Uses
Additional Attack: M7 “Grease Guns” 37 – Burst – Twin Links (Intelligence 15 + Rewired 12 + (S) Automatic Fire 4 + (S) Twin Linked Fire 4 + Computers 12 – Maneuver Combo 10) Dice 5 Range Medium Damage 14/7/14/7 Notes Hits Four Times, Triggers Limited Uses regardless of roll, Limited Uses
Offense Notes:
Scrounging: Add 1 Damage when using improvised weapons.
Stealth: Hide from Opponents in Combat. The character rolls Dexterity 8 + Stealth 1 + Rewired 12 + 4d6 versus the highest Sense + Perception + Tracking. On a successful roll the combatants lose track of the character If the character follows up with an Attack, they use the Target’s Surprised Defense. This may be done multiple times. However, using a power with a visual component increases the Target by 10, unless the Opponent is first distracted by something else.
Technical Operations: Increase the Value of Explosive rolls (Willpower Bonuses) by 10 for Cooperative rolls. This bonus is applied to either the character or those they are supporting.