Suitable Campaign Age: Any
Adventure Tone: Action
Recommended Power Level: Low or Classic
The Brood are back and after raiding an IMR (Institute for Metahuman Research) lab have acquired a power amplifier that Mock is looking to exploit. Unfortunately, Rampage has his own ideas on what to do with the amplifier.
If this adventure sounds familiar, that’s because it’s taken from the example of how to create a disaster from the Metahumans Rising core book, expanded for a fun one shot.
IMR Raiders – Foreshadowing
The following scene can be played two ways, as the guards, or as the Brood. The GM can let the players decide if they do not mind revealing the main villain’s stats. Note: Detritus is not present for this, and if used as PCs only the villains represented by the players are on this job. The Brood’s characters can be found starting on page 139 of the Metahumans Rising core book.
If Gargoyle is an NPC he will attempt to disguise the other members of the Brood. Make a Wisdom + Disguise roll against a Target Advanced (25) for each member of the Brood present. Gargoyle will need at least 1 Success for each villain. Success allows the Brood to go undetected so long as they take no aggressive actions.
The lab is an unassuming building in an industrial district. There is a large parking lot with a fence around the perimeter, along with a parking attendant booth at the entrance. Inside things look rather normal, in the lobby. To get past the receptionist though requires a biometric scan or a temporary badge that has been activated by the receptionist.
If Mock is an NPC, he will use his Intellect Beyond Measure to force the receptionist to clear each member of the Brood present. This roll is made against the Receptionist’s base Value for a Basic Roll (8) and requires 2 Degrees of Success. Because Mock’s minimum roll is a 30, he will automatically succeed.
The lab itself is mostly underground. The elevator has a remote kill switch, and the doors are steel reinforced. The power amplifier is being tested on sub-basement 3. At each floor, regardless of taking the stairs, or elevator, the villains will need to make a roll to avoid detection. If the villains take the stairs they may make an Intelligence + Stealth roll to avoid detection, in the Elevator they will need to roll Fortune only, either way they roll against a Target of 18. Note, if Gargoyle successfully disguised the Brood, there is no need to roll. A failed roll in the stairs means pop up electro-jolters and guards the following Turn. A failed roll in the elevator means lockdown with piped in knock out gas, and guards waiting on every floor. If the Brood can make it into the elevator shaft there is a maintenance ladder.
The door to the clean room holding the power amplifier uses a biometric lock and only project scientists and upper management will have access. Here is where any ruse is likely to break down, if the Brood has made it this far without some kind of violent action.
The lab itself is a sterile environment, Mock’s goal is to grab both the research and the power amplifier. Grabbing the power amplifier is simple enough. Downloading the research will take a few moments, otherwise the Brood can simply grab the computer tower.
Fighting their way out will mean facing off against a Minor, Typical, then Major Mob of Guards escalating in size at each junction, along with the electro-jolters.
These values can be applied going up or down, and represent the NPC guards in the office.
If the Brood sneaks into the lab, and then downloads the data, adjust the encounters to three Typical Mobs as the IMR guards have a bit more time to react.

Steel Reinforced Doors
Stamina 18
Armor 6
Sealed Elevator
Stamina 24
Armor 8
Knockout Gas
Requires a Suffocation roll starting Turn 1. Increase the starting Difficulty by +10. A failed roll means Damage as normal + the character is Staggered for 1 Turn. Escaping the gas removes all Damage 1 Turn later.
Electro-Jolters (Classic Electrical Blast Guns + Advanced + Armored (2) + Devastating + Shooter + Maneuver Specialist)
Basic Rolls 12 + 3d6
Stamina 9
Defense 12 Dice 2 Armor 9
Offense Standard Jolt 18 Dice 4 Range Medium Damage 10
Offense Stunner 14 Dice 5 Range Medium Damage 15 Note: Damage Converted to Staggering. Use this option whenever guards are present, otherwise Standard Jolts
IMR Guards (Low Powered Guards + Advanced + Devastating + Brawler + Shooter)
Basic Rolls 8 + 3d6
Stamina 6
Defense 12 Dice 3 Armor 2
Offense Blast Rifles 12 Dice 4 Range Medium Damage 12
Offense Hand to Hand 10 Dice 4 Range Close Damage 4
IMR Guard Captains (Classic Guards + Advanced 2 + Devastating + Brawler + Shooter + Talented 2)
If the players are guards in this scenario use the following background character. Each player can select 2 Talents in addition to the stat block below.
Basic Rolls 15 + 3d6
Stamina 9
Defense 21 Dice 4 Armor 3
Offense Blast Rifle 21 Dice 5 Range Short Damage 12
Offense Hand to Hand 21 Dice 5 Range Close Damage 6
Notes: Pick one +3 to Ranged Damage or + 3 to Hand to Hand Damage.
The Set Up
The day is overcast, and by noon the clouds are thick enough that the city is cast into twilight. The light rain that accompanied the clouds turns to a downpour. As the storm grows even worse a report comes in that the local power plan has been attacked and workers are being held hostage. Unfortunately, within minutes the storm turns into a torrent with enough force to sweep people off their feet, or move vehicles with floodwaters. If the heroes are aware of the hostage situation at the power plant, they will have to make a choice, help out in the flood, rescue the power plant workers, or split their efforts in an attempt to do both.
Gathering the Storm
If the heroes opt to try and combat the Disaster, GMs can use the values listed on page 91 of the Metahumans Rising core book.
At the power plant, the heroes will find that Rampage has broken in, connecting the power amplifier to the main generators. He has walled off the plant with lightning that will strike anyone that attempts to get too close, or escape.
Lighting Wall
The wall takes up the Short, Medium, and Long Range Increments around the plant. To break the barrier, the heroes will have to disperse the clouds. If the heroes can fly over the clouds they can avoid the lighting field.
Stamina 12
Armor 2 Note: Immune to physical damage.
Painful 4 Damage, or 4 Damage per Turn attempting to fly through.
Vulnerable: Wind and Weather based Effects +3 Damage.
Inside, the plant workers are either unconscious or restrained. If the heroes can defeat Rampage the storms will abate immediately. However, he is amped up!
Power Amplifier
All uses of a power automatically gain either the Amazing Critical, or Advantaged + Explosive Roll Willpower Features. It takes 1 Turn to Activate after being aligned to a user. (This may be important in case the heroes disarm Rampage and activate it themselves.)
Timing Issues
If the heroes attempt to mitigate the flood before addressing the hostage situation, there is no additional danger to the hostages. Rampage just wants to have some fun.
If the heroes attempt to rescue the hostages before addressing the flood, allow the flood 3 rolls. If the heroes have collective travel ability reduce the number of rolls by 1 and another 1 for each instance of Boost Speed. Each Turn the heroes battle Rampage reduce the Successes of the storm by 2, if it has not already succeeded, as he is distracted fighting. If Rampage loses the power amplifier, the Disaster will dissipate after 1 full Turn following being disarmed.
If things are going to quickly, or the GM just wants to spice up the final conflict with Rampage, the Brood can show up at any dramatically appropriate moment. Mock will spend an Action or two to bring Rampaige under control, re mind control, before turning their attentions to the heroes. The rest of the Brood will engage immediately.
GMs may carry any Damage to the Brood from IMR Raiders scene forward if they want to spice up the climax but are worried this may be too difficult of an encounter. In adventures where the party have split themselves including the Brood may turn the power plant portion of the adventure into a rescue mission.