Posts in category The Lucid World
The Dark Realm
Aug 25, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
This Realm above all others may truly tainting those entering the Realm it is a place of nightmares unhinging the mind as shadows surge and recede with a pulsing life of their own. Here there be monsters, the vile constructs of demons and nightmares flourish in the gloom. Those who pass into the Dark do not merely look into the darkness they [...]
The Outer Realms
Aug 25, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
What separates a Lucid from mundane humans is their bond to one of the Four Outer Realms. The nature of these Realms is a highly debated topic of cosmologists and philosophers. What most agree on is that these are places of power. While some call them magic others places more scientific terms on them. They are the supernatural. Places beyond [...]
Tainted & The Lucid
Aug 24, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva
Anyone who has knowingly passed through a Gateway of one of the Four Realms and survived have been Tainted. The most common Tainted have experienced either the Grave through a near death experience or the Slumber through lucid dreaming. Although, there are numerous ways to enter each of the Realms, know as Gateways, often Baronies seek to cre [...]
The Eden Prayer
Aug 01, 2010
~ Written by Dave Silva