Posts in category Games
Quality Gear
Sep 03, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
When we published Metahumans Rising, included in the Power and Gear Examples, Pg. 69 – 75, are a number of weapons and items. A lot of this Gear has been scaled to play at the Classic power level. To let everyone behind the curtain for a moment, this is because we could list powers without a Value and they can scale to any power level [...]
Day Jobs 17: Ex-Con
Aug 27, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
Not everyone starts out on the path of angels, some people do the wrong thing for the right reasons, and three percent of Americans have been incarcerated. It is also important to note, that being in prison does not mean that the person actually committed the crime, an estimated 5%, or 1 in 20, of all imprisoned people are innocent. There is [...]
Gator Bites – A Metahumans Risi...
Aug 20, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
Ever since the mutant primate-alligator hybrid Reptilla disappeared into the Mississippi swamps in 1966 rumors of her whereabouts have floated throughout the deep south. When a team of environmental scientists go missing in the Louisiana swamps, the heroes are called in to investigate, because the locals fear they know what, or rather who ma [...]
Day Jobs 16: Sailor
Aug 13, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
With two thirds of the earth covered in water, you would expect at least a few heroes who worked at sea. There have been a few, and not all sailors have to be away from the campaign city for prolonged time periods, many sailing out and returning the same day. Some notable spandex sailors include the Tattooed Man, and Ultimate Thor.
The [...]
Day Jobs 15: Law Enforcement
Aug 06, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
It may be strange to think about, but there are a surprising number of superheroes who are also police officers. Not surprisingly there is a fair bit of crossover in the skills needed to wear the badge and put on the spandex. Some examples of heroes who are also in law enforcement include the Human Torch (Jim Hammond), Nite Owl I, the Questi [...]
Poisoned Apples, Part II: The Iron Ha...
Jul 30, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
Following the revelation of the Brotherhood in Poisoned Apples: Who Let the Dog Out, Consequences and Repercussions explores the depth of the corruption, and what might happen in trying to expose them.
A Sequel?
This adventure gives options for a direct follow up to Who Let the Dog Out, and if time has passed
Poll: New Martial Arts In Metahumans ...
Jul 25, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
Recently we revisited martial arts in Metahumans Rising series, adding Sumo wrestling to the options. This got us thinking: Are there other styles out that that people might want to see? So far we’ve covered everything from Aiki-jujutsu to Wing Chun, but there are so many others we haven’t touched.
Help us decide which martia [...]
Day Jobs 14: Scoundrel
Jul 23, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
Not exactly a hardened criminal, but not everything scoundrels do is above board. Scoundrels make their living lying. This might take the form of gambling, confidence games, or if they are criminals outright scams or smuggling. Scoundrels are often charming, even when others know they are scummy or crooks, but they have something that keeps [...]
Day Jobs 13: Military
Jul 16, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
Hup to soldiers, it’s time to look at the myriad of heroes with military backgrounds.There are quite a few, from Captain Atom to Wolverine While most are veterans, some still maintain an active duty, or reserve status. This can create any number of plot hooks, not just from the classic work / life / spandex balance, but exploring conflicts [...]
Day Jobs 12: Data Analyst
Jul 09, 2023
~ Written by Dave Silva
This week we’re looking at number crunchers, The unsung heroes and / or the backbone of the business world, the Data Analysts. Data Analysts consolidate, organize, and restructure data in a way that it provides meaningful insights and is understandable to others. These are the people that figure out that the cost of gas has gone down or up n [...]