Suitable Campaign Age: Any (Adjust to campaign)
Adventure Tone: Explorative, Action-Adventure, Macabre
Recommended Power Level: Low or Classic
Note: The final two scenes can be extremely lethal for Low Powered heroes.
Content Warning: The following adventure contains descriptions of mutilation along with cult behavior that may not be suitable for all campaigns. The adventure can be run without focusing on these aspects, GMs may want to adjust some of the descriptions.
Ever since she disappeared rumors of Reptilla have floated around the deep south. When a team of environmental scientists go missing in the Louisiana swamps, the heroes are called in to investigate, because the locals fear they know what, or rather who may be behind it.
Patreon Bonus Content
Through Gator Bites there are several moments that allude to an almost religious reverence to Reptilla. The Patreon bonus content expands this, and the goings on of Krotz Springs adding new investigative elements, NPCs and ways to influence the adventure.
“The soil samples are bagged, I’m not seeing any reason why there is no animal life in the…”
“John, John!” They screamed at their partner. Whipping around, John lost his balance falling into the swamp’s muck at hearing his name called.
“What’s wrong?”
“Look.” Pointing, John followed the invisible line cast from their partner. At first he thought what he saw was a beaver’s dam. Then the realization came like the feeling of being too close to a lightning strike. The breath catching in his lungs.
Bones, bones upon bones. Long yellowed shunts, driven into the water to create a blockage from the upstream flow. Caught in it were remains of all sizes, all animals. Bears, and deer, cranes and ducks, snakes and turtles, human, the distinctive shape of skulls unavoidable in their gaze.
“Let’s, let’s get out of here.” John began to stand up.
“Don’t get many talking pigs these days. Momma’s gonna be so happy.” Before they could process the words, the world went black.
History of the Region
Before heading to the Atchafalaya Basin, the heroes may want to research the area. The main entries are available to anyone. Each has an additional Research Roll for more information.
The Atchafalaya Basin
The basin has long had its share of oddities, the health of the area slowly degrading, in some places water runs the wrong way, causing flooding, and in the last year, an almost complete disappearance of wildlife. The basin itself is a densely forested swampland opening up to tributaries and streams that bisect the area. From the outside, it looks like the kind of habitat that would be inviting to local wildlife, but something has changed.
Two weeks ago a team of researchers from LSU went to collect soil samples and look for some kind of explanation. They have since gone missing. The local authorities from Krotz Springs and the Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge are refusing to investigate. Because of this, the college reached out to local media, and subsequently the heroes.
The southern basin is roughly 30 miles east of Lafayette, along I-10 and runs about twenty miles north before intersecting with highway 190. The town of Krotz Springs is on the north side of the Atchafalaya river, on the other side of the basin. This is where the researchers were last seen before going into the basin.
Intelligence + Research + Study: Metahuman History (or other appropriate Study), Average (15) Difficulty
- Partial Success: There were a number of disappearances in the basin during the late 60s through the 80s.
- Success: Reptilla, a villain from the 60s was said to have escaped into the swamp in ‘66 and was never seen again.
- 1 Degree: In 1986, the Governor’s daughter went missing in the Atchafalaya Basin. A group of local heroes coordinated a search for her and were confronted by Reptilla, a genetic creation mixing primate and alligator DNA. The reports claimed she had reached a monstrous size. The rescue was successful, but Reptilla escaped back into the swamp.
- 2 Degrees: Images of Madam Gold, Reptilla’s old partner, along with several other villains, surface from in 1996 from inside the basin. Investigators were sent in, but nothing ever came of it.

Krotz Springs
Founded by an oil speculator, Charles William Krotz from Ohio, he purchased 20,000 acres of land on the outskirts of the Atchafalaya Basin in 1900. Unfortunately, this drilling turned up only water. As an entrepreneur, Krotz leveraged the resources available, using the spring to build a sawmill, and bottling the water to be sold nationally.
In 1909, the growing region received a post office and was officially named Krotz Springs. Then in 1928 the township added a bridge covering the Atchafalaya River allowing for rail and auto traffic.
Krotz Springs received some notoriety in the 60s as a filming location for Nevada Smith and Easy Rider. Today, the population of Krotz Springs is estimated as just below 1,200 with roughly a quarter of them living at or below the poverty line. (15% than the national average.)
Intelligence + Research, Expert (20) Difficulty
- Partial: There are few jobs in Krotz Springs today, and the population has continued to decline over the past few decades.
- Success: While officially, the local government claims to want to grow the town, the people of Krotz Springs seem content to be a sleepy forgotten place.
- 1 Degree: Krotz Springs has shown a steady decline in population since the 70s. In addition to the mill, there was a hog farm that opened during this period. However, it closed by the mid-80s.
- 2 Degrees: In 2004 a documentary crew began working on a project called Forgotten Towns of the South, trying to bring awareness to small towns and help revitalize the economy. The crew reported extensive production issues and resistance from the citizens of Krotz Springs.
- 3 Degrees: Over the years, most of the town’s churches closed except for St. Abigail’s Church of Blessed Rebirth. St. Abigail’s has made a number of expansions, even taking over some of the older buildings.
- 4 Degrees: St. Abigail is associated with holy wells and resurrection.
- 5 Degrees: In 1994, the son of the Krotz Springs mayor, John Reader was arrested after an altercation in Baton Rouge where he bit a man’s face. During his deposition with the police, he stated that those not born into the faith are nothing more than meat. Despite the grievous bodily harm, Reader was released without charge after it was confirmed that he had been defending himself.
Going to Town
If the heroes opt to go to Krotz Springs, the reaction of the townspeople will vary based on how they arrive.
Heroes in Disguise
Should the heroes arrive in their civilian identities or under fake IDs to mask who they are, the people of Krotz Springs will generally ignore them, aside from the occasional dirty look. Outside of the gas station and general store people will refuse to talk to them. If the heroes attempt to talk to more than one or two people, the sheriff will show up to advise them to avoid harassing others and move along.
If the heroes are disguised, or in their non-heroic persona, the sheriff will advise them that there’s nothing but a gas station for outsiders in the town. If the heroes try to engage with him, allow the following roll.
Expression + Etiquette, Advanced (25) Difficulty
- Failure: Sheriff Wittamer will attempt to arrest the heroes for disturbing the public and obstructing justice.
- Partial: The sheriff will become more forceful, insisting that if they continue to harass the local citizens he will arrest all of them.
- Success: The sheriff takes no additional aggressive action towards the heroes, but provides no other insights.
- 1 Degree: Sheriff Wittamer will let the heroes know that people in the town have been turned off by misery tourism, and don’t want people snooping into their lives. (Any hero with the Subterfuge Talent will recognize that the Sheriff is lying about tourism, but no one wants them around.)
- 2 Degrees: As above, but the Sheriff will wring his hands while speaking. (Any hero with the Forensics Talent will notice his hands are inhuman/clawed but hidden by gloves.
Any attempt to push the subject will result in Wittamer position downgrading quickly, and will result in trying to arrest them, as with a failed result.
If the heroes break character and show their powers, the Sheriff will do the same. At this point, other members of the town will join him to protect the secret. They will join the fight on the third turn using the tactics outlined in Ambush! If the heroes defeat them, jump to the Feeding Face.
Spandex on Display
If it is clear that superheroes are in town, most people will immediately go inside, lock their doors, and close up shop. Within minutes the local sheriff will arrive to talk to them. Wittamer will explain that the locals are very religious, and most of them don’t trust people with powers. To keep the peace, it’s best to leave. He doesn’t want some drunk scared redneck doing anything stupid.
He will escort the heroes through the town, but will maintain his position on them needing to leave. As he is doing so, other members of the town will try to position themselves in case the heroes refuse to leave, preparing an ambush at the edge of town. If the heroes defeat them, jump to the Feeding Face.
The children of ”the Mother” will position themselves as the sheriff moves through town. Because they know where Wittamer is taking the heroes they can set up in advance.
Degenerates will be hiding under parked cars. The sheriff will lure the heroes into the log checking again to see if they will leave. If it looks like they want to investigate further, the Degenerates will strike.
Heroes can make a Sense + Perception roll Difficulty 33 to avoid being Surprised.
While the Degenerates attack, Rabble will join them swooping in from nearby store fronts. A trio of Folk providing covering fire from the rooves. It will take a Turn for the Rabble to join the fray. The Folk are considered at Medium Range.
Sheriff Hurbert Wittamer (Classic Gator Blooded Family Leader + Advanced (2) + Brawler + Tough + Striker + Devastating) + Leadership Bonus
Standing at just over six feet, loose dirty blonde curls sneak out from below his hat. He is a stocky man, with a thick chest, but that may just be a vest covered by his uniform. In addition to his uniform he wears a thin blue line neck gaiter, to the chin, and leather gloves. The gaiter hides scales that come up around Wittamer’s neck, the gloves hide his claws.
Basic Rolls 15 + 4d6
Stamina 18
Defense 27 Dice 5 Armor 6 (10)
Offense Service Revolver 15 (25) Dice 4 Range Short Damage 9
Offense Claws 27 (37) Dice 6 Range Close Damage 15
Note: Using his clears will tear through his gloves.
Degenerates (Classic Gator Blooded Family Member (Brawler + Tough + Striker + Devastating + Maneuver Specialist: Heavy Blow + Sneak) (Typical Mob)
Not all of Mother’s children think so good, or look so human. Most Degenerates share more in common with an alligator than a human. Degenerates have barely a human level of intelligence, not enough to pass elementary school. They can speak and perform any number of tasks.. Where they excel is on the hunt, they possess the cunning of a skilled predator.
Basic Rolls 9 + 2d6
Stamina 18/18
Defense 21 Dice 3 Armor 8/10
Offense Bite or Claws (Includes Heavy Blow) 21/26 Dice 5 Range Close Damage 18
Stealth 13 Dice 3
Folk (Classic Gator Blooded Family Member (Brawler + Tough + Shooter + Striker + Devastating) (Minor Mob)
Most folk have more subtle deviations in the blood. Some can hide their tainted heritage, others are not as lucky. Folk are tougher than normal people, but will let the Degenerates get close. They will rely on more conventional weapons like shotguns or rifles.
Basic Rolls 9 + 2d6
Stamina 18
Defense 21 Dice 3 Armor 8
Offense Long Arms 20 Dice 3 Range Long Damage 15
Offense Bite or Claws 26 Dice 4 Range Close Damage 12
Rabble (Low Powered Gator Wannabees + Shooter) (Typical Mob)
Unlike the Folk and Degenerates most of the town lacks the gift of Mother’s blood. However, the display of her power has them devoted to the Mother. Some men become fanatical in their desperation to join with Mother.
Basic Rolls 6 + 2d6
Stamina 6
Defense 6 Dice 2 Armor 2
Offense Guns, Guns, Guns! 10 Dice 3 Range Medium Damage 8
Offense Melee 6 Dice 2 Range Close Damage 4
The Feeding Face
If the heroes are able to subdue or capture Sheriff Wittamer they can try to extract more information from him now that the nature of he and the townsfolk have been exposed.
Interrogating Whitamer, Mental + Negotiations or Intimidation Advanced (25) Difficulty
Whitamer will make the following monolog based on the success generated.
- Partial: It doesn’t matter how many of you there are, bring your spotlights, and the mother will disappear.
- Success: The swamp lives and she is eternal. If you disturb her home, you will die.
- 1 Degree: There are no wounds she cannot heal. No harm you can inflict that she cannot overcome.
- 2 Degrees: Her children are legion. If you dream of surviving, run away, flee and perhaps you can escape her reach.
If the heroes successfully round up the majority of the ambush party some will scream, shout and try to break free. Here are some of the things they will say:
- The swamp mother is eternal!
- She will consume you!
- The hunt will only excite her!
Heading into the Atchafalaya Basin the ground quickly becomes wet, and the sky obscured from tree cover. As the heroes move deeper into the basin, the ground is covered by inches, then feet of water.
Survival, Wisdom + Survival, Expert (20) Difficulty
Each of the heroes should make a Survival roll. Heroes with Flight, or other similar form of movement can ignore this roll.
Note: The heroes should roll together, but the results are spread out over the swampy terrain as they push towards the heart of the basin.
- Failure: Natural swamp badness has happened, describe why the hero Suffered 6 Damage, before Armor, or Spent 1 Willpower while traveling.
- Partial: Near swamp badness, as above but the hero takes only 2 Damage.
- Success: The hero avoids the dangers of the swamp.
- 1 Degree: For each Degree of success, improve an ally’s results 1 Degree.
After a little over two mile’s trek into the swamp the sound of birds and other wildlife begins to distant.
Missing Wildlife, Wisdom + Survival or Science (Life Science), Average (15) Difficulty
Characters with a Power that Supports Senses, or some form of enhanced sense of smell gain a free degree of Success.
- Partial: It’s strange that the birds are avoiding the area.
- Success: Animals will flee areas where they perceive danger.
- 1 Degree: This typically has to do with fires, but can be related to other dangers.
- 2 Degrees: There is a faint smell of rotting flesh in the area.
Reptilla Country
As the heroes move deeper into the basin, it feels more like a bog, devoid of life, although the trees seem healthy, and the waters do not seem stagnate. The heroes are close to Reptilla’s home now. The area has been trapped by her children to take care of any trespassers.
The Basin’s Redline, (Sense + Perception) or (Fortune + Intuition) + Survival, Very Advanced (30) Difficulty
Note: The heroes should roll together, but the results are spread out over the swampy terrain as they push towards the heart of the basin. If multiple heroes fail all of them can be caught by the same log.
- Failure: Spiked Log: A rope hidden in the water, or near invisible fishing wire, is triggered by one of the heroes releasing a log on lines from nearby trees. The log’s branches have been sharpened to points and it falls with enough strength to embed itself in the trees behind the heroes. The log will hit the hero who failed the roll, and any one who is adjacent for 20 Damage. If the Damage after Armor is greater than 12, they should reduce the Damage by 12 taking an Injury instead.
- Partial: Punji Sticks: The hero steps on a sharpened wooden stake that would easily piece a boot and foot. The hero takes 16 Damage. If the Damage after Armor is greater than 12, they should reduce the Damage by 12 taking an Injury instead.
- Success: Near Miss: Pick one of the traps above, or create something different, like a swinging spike. The hero is caught by the trap, but manages to avoid the worst of the harm. The hero takes 8 Damage before Armor.
- 1 Degree: The hero triggers a trap, but manages to avoid it. This might be a net, or swinging spike.
- 2 Degrees: For each Degree of success, improve an ally’s results 1 Degree.
A Cabin in the Swamp
Should the heroes survive Reptilla’s traps they will eventually come to a blocked stream. A dam of bones has been built from the remains of her victims. Beyond the dam is a cabin on a small patch of land surrounded by water.
If the heroes visited Krotz Springs without disguising themselves or were forced to expose their powers the area is eerily silent, jump to Facing the Alligator Queen.
Boy Troubles
Hiding near the cabin is one of Reptilla’s older children, Sherman is not her first, but one of her most powerful progeny. He is slavishly devoted to his mother, and rarely leaves the basin. He has embraced the divine aspects ascribed to his mother.
As the heroes approach, he will attempt to ambush them, taking care of them before reaching his mother. If there are heroes that have clear injuries, Sherman will target them first. Allow heroes a Sense + Perception roll, Difficulty 38 to detect Sherman’s approach.
Sherman Miller (High Powered Gator Blooded Family Favored Son + Advanced (2) + Brawler + Striker + Tough + Sneak + Talented (4))
Basic Rolls 20 + 4d6
Stamina 24 – 13
Defense 28 Dice 6 Armor 8 Notes: +4 Armor against Supernatural Attacks
Offense Claws or Bite 28 Dice 6 Range Close Damage 16
Offense Surprise Attack 28 Dice 6 Range Close Damage 23
Stealth 28 Dice 5
Religion 32 Dice 5
Subterfuge 32 Dice 5
Survival 32 Dice 5
Tracking 32 Dice 5
Facing the Alligator Queen
Once the heroes clear the dam and raised ground to get a better view of the cabin they can see the hill the cabin is on has a number of dolls on spikes running the structure. Bones, and driftwood float in the waters between the heroes and the cabin.
The landing before the cabin, the moat, and cabin hill are each considered their own range increment.
If the heroes showed themselves in town, Sherman is hiding, as above, but in the cabin. He will strike at anyone who tries to enter.
That’s Not Driftwood! Sense + Perception, 29 Difficulty
Reptilia is hiding under the water. She looks like little more than old wood floating on the water. She will target the first hero who attempts to cross the moat using her Bite taking both into the water and triggering Suffocation rolls.
The Cabin
The inside of the structure is little more than a kitchen and a bedroom. There is a table with butcher’s tools and more bones in the kitchen. The stove is large, almost comically so. The researchers are here, chained to the walls. The researchers are hurt, more than traumatized at what they have been, but relatively unharmed at least physically.
Notes: GMs can allow players to draw their own conclusions here, or point out that a human body could be cooked in the oven, if manipulated into the right shape.
The Dam of the Dead
The bone dam has a Stamina of 16 and Armor 2. It is how Reptilla filled her moat. If destroyed, anyone in the water will need to make a Strength + Movement: Swimming roll, Very Laborious (40) Difficulty to avoid being swept out into the larger basin. If the fight does not go her way, Reptilla will do just this, using the flooding basin as a means to escape.
Power Level: High
Vacillate between self loathing and hate of those that created you
Either way, there is hell to pay
- June 1954: A small research firm in Seattle has an experiment go horribly wrong. From the ashes of the lab Reptilla emerges. Fused with primate and alligator DNA Reptilla’s rampage is only stopped after a group of US and Canadian heroes band together.
- April 1957: Madam Gold uses an alchemical circlet to give Reptilla the power of speech and bend the creature to her will.
- November 1964: The Dog Catcher brings Madam Gold and Reptilla to Mississippi to aid in the hunt for Isis.
- February 1966: Madam Gold is defeated by a team of heroes. Although Reptilla escapes into the Louisiana swamps.
- 1968 – 1986: Disappearances rise in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana.
- February 1986: Attention finally comes to Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana, when the Governor’s daughter goes missing.
- March 1986: A search and rescue team disappear after entering the Atchafalaya Basin. A band of heroes enters the swamp to locate the missing team and governor’s daughter. They are confronted by Reptilla who has continued to grow to monstrous size over the years. While the heroes are able to rescue several of the missing people Reptilla escapes back into the swamp.
- June 1987: Madam Gold is temporarily released from prison to help bring in Reptilla. She is escorted by a team of BMA officers and Metahuman escorts. After a ferocious battle in the swamp it is unclear if Madam Gold is killed or captured by the creature.
- May 1996: Images of Madam Gold along with several super powered villains appear on the internet. Heroes investigate rumors of a haven for criminals in the Atchafalaya Basin but find no bases
History 12 Strength 20 Dexterity 10 Constitution 20 (2 AP) Sense 10
Fortune 5 Wisdom 6 Intelligence 2 Mental 10 Expression 4
Gene-Spliced (Immortal: Endure) 12
Unending Hate 10
Others will know my pain 8
Background (Feral Instincts) 5
Brawn 15 Climbing 4 Discipline 15 Fitness 15 Hold Breath 9 Intimidation 15 Perseverance 15 Outlast 15 Stealth 4 Survival 15 Tracking 4 (2 AP)
Advantaged TY
Extra Stamina MA2
Critical Skill: Intimidation MA
Gear MA3TY
Brawn Supports Heavy Blow MA
Fitness Supports Offense MA2
Cost: 20 AP
Croc Hybrid 15
Parent Attribute: Constitution
Primary Role: Offense
Continuous (Unshakable) MA2
Devastating (Boost Devastation, Penetrating) MA3
Trapping MA
Secondary Role: Defense (Full Role) MA2
Armor (Boost Armor) MA2
Passive Defense MA
Secondary Role: Support: Strength MA
Added Support: Constitution, Disguise, Hold Breath MA3
Healing (Self) (Healing Surge Regenerate Limb, Regeneration, Resurrection) MA5
Locked Power: Bite! Continuous, Penetrating Trapping
Limited: A Successful Escape or Active Defense against the Continuous Damage or Trapping ends both.
Limited: Can only Bite! One target at a time.
Limited: Added Support: Disguise only works to appear as floating wood in water.
Limited: Healing Surge can only be used when Bite! Inflicts an Injury.
(S) Grappling 10 (4 AP)
Cost: 1 Power +20 Selections +13 AP +4 AP
Gear Value
Circlet of Intelligence 8
Parent Attribute: Mental
Primary Role: Support: Intelligence
Added Support: Perception, Intuition MA2
Extra Stamina MA
Cost: 10 + 12 + 6 = 28/Gear = MA3TY
Stamina Current: 47 Starting: 47
Willpower Current: 8 Max: 12
Starting AP 40
Attributes 2 + Talents 2 + Boons 20 + Powers 17 – Drawbacks 1
Initiative: 18 (Sense 10 + Circlet of Intelligence 8) Dice 3
Surprised Defense: 20 (Fortune 5 + Croc Hybrid 15) Dice 3 Armor 9
Normal Defense: 35 (Constitution 20 + Croc Hybrid 15) Dice 3 Armor 9
Mental Defense: 10 (Mental 10) Dice 2 Armor 1
Defense Notes:
Climbing: Once per session, when taking an Active Defense use Climbing (4) as a Supporting Characteristic if there is a wall or other vertical surface within Close Range.
Note: Thematic Variation: Tear off some wall
Fitness: Reduce the number of Actions Staggered by 3.
Perseverance: Add their Perseverance (27) to any Normal Defense roll after they have suffered 27 Damage. This lasts for 1 turn and may be used once per session.
Favored Attack: Bite! 35 (Constitution 20 + Croc Hybrid 15 + Brawn 15 + Fitness 15 – Maneuver Penalty: Heavy Blow 30) Dice 4 Range Close Damage 24 Notes Trapping, Escape Difficulty 45 Continuous: Target continues to take Damage each Action Reptilia maintains the Bite or until they make an Active Defense roll of 45 or higher. A Successful Escape or Active Defense Breaks the Bite.
Secondary Attack: Play With the Food 40 (Constitution 20 + Croc Hybrid 15 + Fitness 15 – Maneuver Penalty: Heavy Blow 10) Dice 4 Range Close Damage 16 Notes
Offense Notes:
Discipline: Add their Discipline (15) to any Strength roll or Physical Attack roll after taking 15 Damage. This lasts for 1 turn and may be used once per session.
Intimidation: Spend an Action to Intimidate a Target, rolling against their Mental + 10. On a successful roll, use half Intimidation as a Meddling Power (-3) on the Target for 4 turns.
Critical Skill: May give up the Damage Bonus of two 6s to treat an Attack Roll as Intimidation.
Stealth: Hide from Opponents in Combat. The character rolls Dexterity (10) + Stealth (4) versus the highest Sense + Perception + Tracking. On a successful roll the combatants lose track of the character If the character follows up with an Attack, they use the Target’s Surprised Defense. This may be done multiple times. However, using a power with a visual component increases the Target by 10, unless the Opponent is first distracted by something else.
Survival: Once per session, set a Trap. Declare the character is setting up the Trap before Combat or pay 1 Willpower to “Retcon” a Trap. This Trap is triggered with a Wisdom (6) + Survival (15) roll versus the Target’s Surprised Defense and treats Survival as a Typical Trapping Power. When Triggered, the player describes the Trap.
Tracking: Once per session, the character may use their Normal Defense instead of Surprised Defense in any Combat where the character has already seen their Opponent.
If Reptilla escapes, or drives off the heroes, should anyone return to the cabin, they will find it abandoned. The Croc Queen will find another suitable location to set up shop and return to her comfortable life.
Brought to Justice?
If captured, Reptilla will claim that her children will save their mother. (This is no idle threat, and anyone with Expression + Subterfuge of 10 or higher will know she believes what she is saying.) However, she is less than forthcoming with more information. If the heroes do not escort Reptilla out of the state with the MCPD, the transport will be attacked, and Reptilla will escape.
Exploring the Cabin
She’s been here for a long time, since 1968. There are a number of jewelry boxes by the bed. They are filled with various bobbles, pieces of jewelry, drivers licenses and state IDs dating back decades.
GMs, feel free to fill the cabin with any number of other grizzly details, or Jimmy Hoffa’s license.
If there is more than two days from Reptilla’s escape to the exploration of the cabin, the home will be empty.