Posts in category Mechanics
Seekers of SICAD Heroes 3: The Red Wa...
Mar 02, 2016
~ Written by Dave Silva
Diego La Roja “The Red Wanderer”
Campaign: Seekers of SICAD
Power Level: Classic
Born in 16th Century Spain, Diego was raised as a Vintner.
Saved his wife from a pack of wolves.
Refused a woman and child shelter after a string of robberies on other vineyards.
The child died from exposure and the woman revealed herself as a Bruja, c [...]
Seekers of SICAD Heroes 2: Mentalos
Mar 01, 2016
~ Written by Dave Silva
Campaign: Seekers of SICAD
Power Level: Classic
Outcast, born into the Izo (Ruling) Caste and a hermaphrodite
Stayed on earth to escape the empire
Cannot stand the leadership of the empire
Sympathetic towards the lowcasts
Views the Zo as too rigid in their laws
Arrived during the Lensing Conflict
Betrayed the Zo to defend [...]
Seekers of SICAD Heroes 1: Echo
Feb 29, 2016
~ Written by Dave Silva
Echo aka Ezekiel Cross
Campaign: Seekers of SICAD
Power Level: Classic
A World War II veteran exposed to KB. Specialist Ezekiel Cross’s body been altered allowing him to reflect energy and other types of attacks. After leaving the military Echo drifted for years trying to find his place in the world. Like other KB s [...]
Teen Heroes 2: Soren “Quick Ste...
Oct 06, 2015
~ Written by Dave Silva
Soren “Quick Steel” Stal aka Søren Fljóturstál
Campaign: MHR: Three Rivers Adventures
Power Level: Classic
Soren grew up traveling the Nordic Countries with his father, Cyrus, studying Norse Mythology and Runology. When not studying Old Norse writings and legends, his father would push him to train physically, and some [...]
Teen Heroes 1: Arianna Corazón de Sou...
Oct 05, 2015
~ Written by Dave Silva
Arianna Corazón de Sousa
Campaign: Three Rivers
Power Level: Classic
Coming from a older noble family, Arianna was set to become the next Condessa of Porto Alegre. The title was strictly honorific, but it was a source of pride for Arianna’s father and he hoped to pass it on to his daughter
Arianna Corazón de Sousa, the next heir to [...]
Hero Creation: Power Level
May 08, 2015
~ Written by Dave Silva

The Metahumans Rising Character Sheet
Apr 27, 2015
~ Written by Dave Silva
Hero Creation: Backgrounds
Apr 22, 2015
~ Written by Dave Silva
After the group establishes the scope, tones and themes of the camping it’s time to look at individual characters. Not everyone may have a strong idea of what kind of character they want to play at this point. To help players, they are asked four basic questions to help define their character. These questions become part of the characte [...]
Hero Creation 1: Hero Creation is Wor...
Apr 03, 2015
~ Written by Dave Silva
Metahumans Rising does a few things very differently. Starting with character creation or more accurately, before starting character creation. The tones and themes of comic books and superhero stories specifically varies wildly. Ask five people what they like most in a superhero story and you are very likely to get five different answers. Whi [...]
The Engine Behind Metahumans or What&...
Mar 26, 2015
~ Written by Dave Silva
Metahumans Rising uses the Open Action System. However, there have been a number of updates to help create the feel of a good comic book. We say goodbye to combat skills and boons and hello to a new Background System, Powers and Willpower.
At the start of character creation the player will make a few important decisions that will [...]