We conclude our series on superhero day jobs with another entry that’s not so much a job as it is a lifestyle. From lavish galas to the opening night of the opera, the socialite is on the pulse of the 1%. Often fabulously wealthy themselves, the socialite understands the nuances of rubbing elbows with the upper crust, without touching anything burned.

Miss Masque – crime-fighting socialite
Core Talents of the socialite focus on fitting in, showing off, and avoiding unwanted attention. There is virtually no social situation that the socialite cannot navigate.
Core Talents
- Area of Influence: Pick a “scene”
- Distraction
- Etiquette
- Fashion
- Subterfuge
- Wealth
Money and knowing how to compose yourself may be enough to get a socialite in the door. However, that’s not enough to rule the roost. The related Talents focus on charms, and tricks that a socialite can use to raise their status.
Related Talents:
- Beauty/Hansom
- Contact: A person with real world influence
- Fitness
- Intimidation
- Study: Whatever it is, it’s going to be something fabulous and amazing to talk about.
- Wit: Conversation
Overall the socialite is a commanding presence, but lacks any real direction in their Talents other than to insert themselves into any conversation with ease. Adding Talents like Tactics, and Negotiation allows them to serve as dignitaries, and coordinators for large events. Selecting an Art, would allow them to easily curate a high end galley with the appropriate Study.
Related Boons
- Ally
- Critical Skill: Distraction
- Favors
With their array of friends and potential contacts the socialite can easily have someone to aid them, or occasionally call in a favor. Also, misdirection can be a key component for social interaction and this can easily turn that to their advantage in a battle.