Three years ago Dyson Turkey created a super-turkey to push their sales. What they didn’t realize is that they had created one of the greatest threats to North America known to man, Gobbler. Now, unwittingly, Butter Beaks Chicken has repeated Dyson’s mistake, giving birth to Hen Zero! When these two meat, let them peck! Only One Will Cluck. Gravy Cover Us All!
Suitable Campaign Age: Any
Adventure Tone: Gonzo Action Adventure
Recommended Power Level: Classic or High
Content Warning: If there were vegetarians and/or vegans in this world, this would have never happened.
The Setup
Monitoring stations around the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest have been quiet for almost a year, since the “Tide of Turkey” incident things seem to have calmed down. Three hundred miles away outside of Sacramento at the Butter Beaks Chicken facility an accident has occurred in the labs. The call goes out, this town needs a hero!
Personal Scenes
It is the week before “Turkey Day.” Check in with each of the players giving them some spotlight time before things go south at Butter Beaks.
Getting to Sacramento
The heroes may be anywhere, but they will need to get to Sacramento fast. This is a great opportunity to highlight speedsters, or team vehicles where the heroes are collected and rush to the rescue.
If the team lacks such a conveyance, an advanced looking military helicopter will pick them up. Use a contact within the military or government to explain this, otherwise, you can introduce Dr. Max Serizawa who has been monitoring the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest nest, and has identified that the Butter Beaks Chicken facility emitted a burst of radiation almost identical to that of Gobblers right before alerts started going out. That is why they are scrambling a team.
The Butter Beaks Plant
As the heroes approach it’s clear that power has been knocked out in the area. An Average (15) Sense roll will reveal that there is clear seismic damage in the area. With a Degree of Success, it’s clear that the Butter Beaks Plant is the epicenter of whatever wave causes the damage.
Part 1: The Collapsing Plant
The area is a disaster, and the heroes will need to work quickly to get people to safety before the building collapses. Scientists and plant workers are crazed and terrified of something they saw inside. Heroes inside the plant can hear a slow horrific thrum.
Collapsing Plant
- Stakes: The building collapses with people still inside.
- Size 2 – Impacts a large building
- Ferocity 3 – This is an evacuation
- Target 35
- Damage 5 – Small fires, collapsing infrastructure .
- Success Threshold 9
- Starting Advantage 5
Part 2: Rise of Hen Zero
With the resolution of the Collapsing Plant disaster, the building is destroyed as it implodes on itself. From the rubble comes the same thrumming sound. Without the echo from inside the building it sounds like a chicken’s cluck only so loud it is deafening. Moments later, the ground begins to shake, as the body of Hen Zero rises, stretching it’s feathers to the sky.
With three heads and six wings Hen Zero blocks out the sun. After clucking, the center head locks on the heroes and the escapees from the building releasing a spray of boiling radioactive chicken collagen. The heroes will need to take Defend Others or some form of protective action to save the civilians.
Radioactive Grease 45 Dice 4 Range Long Line Damage 20
As the heroes react, Hen Zero will attempt to escape. It is not only capable of flight, but fast. This can result in a chase if the heroes choose to pursue. If they do so, the heroes can engage Hen Zero, but the chances of victory are slim. However, should Hen Zero’s Stamina be reduced to just a Small Mob in all three locations they will break off and retreat.
Hen Zero (Cosmic Mutant Chicken/Size 3 range Increments, 3 Major Mob + Advanced, Giant, Brawler, Shooter, Striker, Tough, Cluster + Immune: Radiation, Maneuver Specialist: Coordinated Strike)
Standing almost one hundred and fifty meters tall Hen Zero has three heads and six wings which are broader across than tall when fully spread. Hen Zero was designed to offer maximum breast and wing meat to consumers. Little did Butter Beak know the monster they were creating. Each head is capable of independent thought, but when they coordinate their radioactive grease breath together the effects are devastating.
Left Side
Basic Rolls 20 + 3d6
Stamina 30/30/30
Defense 20 Dice 4 Armor 12/14/16 Notes Immune to Radiation
Offense Radioactive Grease 35/40/45 Dice 4 Range Long Line Damage 20
Offense Wing and Claw 45/50/55 Dice 5 Range Close Damage 20
Notes: While flying, only the Center Head can use their Radioactive Grease attack. However, the sides can still claw.
Right Side
Basic Rolls 20 + 3d6
Stamina 30/30/30
Defense 20 Dice 4 Armor 12/14/16 Notes Immune to Radiation
Offense Radioactive Grease 35/40/45 Dice 4 Range Long Line Damage 20
Offense Wing and Claw 45/50/55 Dice 5 Range Close Damage 20
Notes: While flying, only the Center Head can use their Radioactive Grease attack. However, the sides can still claw.
Center (Add Reinforced)
Basic Rolls 20 + 3d6
Stamina 45/45/45
Defense 20 Dice 4 Armor 12/14/16 Notes Immune to Radiation
Offense Radioactive Grease 35/40/45 Dice 4 Range Long Line Damage 20
Offense Wing and Claw 45/50/55 Dice 5 Range Close Damage 20
Coordinated Attack: Triple Grease Blast (All Three Heads Attack At once.) 35/40/45 Dice 5 Range Long Line and Small Radius Damage 32 Notes Applies 4 Instances of Heavy Blow.
Meat Distribution: The Center head of Hen Zero can spend an Action to move Stamina from their Body to either the Left or Right sides. They can only distribute meat to one side at a time. However, as long as the Center has Stamina, Hen Zero cannot be defeated.
In the Wake of the Chicken God
With Hen Zero escaping to parts unknown the heroes will have some time to gather their thoughts. They can research what happened, but the report will reach them quickly that the monitors at Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest have gone off the charts, Gobbler has awoken.

If the heroes have not already met, they will learn this from Dr. Max Serizawa who is seeking out the heroes. Just as last year, he has grown in size. Although, the other birdhren seem mostly unchanged.
The Butter Beaks Researchers
Heroes looking for answers can talk to the scientists at the Butter Beaks plant.
Roll: Expression + Etiquette or Mental + Intimidation, Negotiation, or Science, Difficulty: Advanced (25)
Failure: The scientists are too shaken up from the attack to relay any information.
Partial: They wanted to create the ultimate holiday chicken, with enough breast meat for everyone.
Success: Corporate liaisons sent them research from the Gobbler tests. They were told that they had to fix Dyson’s mistakes.
1 Degree of Success: They had to create a chicken that could kill Gobbler.
2 Degrees of Success: Some of the scientists theorized that by injecting alien herbs and spices, they could make a stronger bird.
3 Degrees of Success: One of the scientists built in a fail safe. Hen Zero was designed to avoid freezer burn. Extreme Cold can put Hen Zero to sleep, but not kill it.
From The Rubble
The heroes can try to gather information from the destroyed plant.
Roll: Constitution + Scavenging, Difficulty: Very Advanced (30)
Results as above but in the form of recovered surveillance tapes, hard drives and other records.
The Chicken Comes Home To Roost
Somehow Hen Zero avoids radar detection, it’s radioactive grease throwing things off. Eventually, they will come to roost in Branson, Missouri. Home of the largest rooster statue in the country. Upon learning that the statue is fiberglass Hen Zero will become enraged and begin flying erratically, firing their radioactive grease at anything and everything.
The heroes will need to mobilize quickly to help evacuate the city and surrounding area.
Surviving Branson
- Stakes: Branson is being leveled. There is no stopping it, but maybe people can be evacuated.
- Size 4 – Impacts a city and surrounding area.
- Ferocity 5 – Outside the ability for unpowered people to handle
- Target 45
- Damage 9 – Radioactive Grease beams, panicking civilians, collapsing infrastructure.
- Success Threshold 13
- Starting Advantage 7
The Sleeping Turkey Rises
As indicated by Dr. Max Serizawa Gobbler is now awake and has begun making its way towards Branson. At the same time, the enraged Hen Zero will begin cutting a swath of destruction towards Gobbler.
An Average (15) Wisdom + Area Knowledge: United States or US Highways or Education will put the pair meeting somewhere in or near Denver, Colorado. When the two meet, if they fight, it will easily destroy the city.
The Fall of Denver
- Stakes: Branson is being leveled. There is no stopping it, but maybe people can be evacuated.
- Size 4 – Impacts a city and surrounding area.
- Ferocity 5 – Outside the ability for unpowered people to handle
- Target 45
- Damage 9 – Radioactive Grease beams, Flaming Butter Balls, panicking civilians, collapsing infrastructure.
- Success Threshold 26 (Adjusted due to population density)
- Starting Advantage 14 (Adjusted due to population density)
Gobbler (Cosmic Mutant Turkey/Size Major Mob + Advanced (2), Giant, Brawler, Shooter, Striker, Tough, Reinforced (2), Cluster + Immune: Fire and Heat, Maneuver Specialist: Heavy Blow, Maneuver Specialist: Follow Up Attack, Nutcracker, Devastating (6))
Gobbler continues to grow and now stands at roughly one hundred meters.
Basic Rolls 25 + 5d6
Stamina 60/60/60
Defense 25 Dice 5 Armor 12/14/16 Notes Immune to Fire and Heat
Offense Burning Butter Ball 40/45/50 Dice 6 Range Long with Medium Radius Blast Damage 23 Notes Includes Heavy Blow From Maneuver Specialist
Offense Beak & Claws 50/55/60 Dice 6 Range Close Damage 20
Offense Basted and Ready to Eat 50/55/60 Dice 6 Range Close Damage 22 Notes Follows a Burning Butter Ball, Defended By Quickness, Includes Heavy Blow (2)
If Gobbler and Hen Zero are allowed to fight and no one assists Gobbler, Hen Zero will win. This takes 10 Turns and will happen at the same time as the Fall of Denver. Depending on or if the heroes get involved, the following lists both creatures Stamina Turn by Turn.

Start of Turn Stamina
Turn 1: Full
Turn 2:
- Gobbler 60/60/42
- Hen Zero L 30/30/22
- Hen Zero R 30/30/22
- Hen Zero C 45/45/27
Turn 3:
Gobbler 60/60/24
- Hen Zero L 30/30/14
- Hen Zero R 30/30/14
- Hen Zero C 45/45/19
Turn 4:
- Gobbler 60/60/6
- Hen Zero L 30/30/6
- Hen Zero R 30/30/6
- Hen Zero C 45/45/11
Turn 5:
- Gobbler 60/48
- Hen Zero L 30/28
- Hen Zero R 30/28
- Hen Zero C 45/45/3
Turn 6:
- Gobbler 60/30
- Hen Zero L 30/20
- Hen Zero R 30/20
- Hen Zero C 45/40
Turn 7:
- Gobbler 60/12
- Hen Zero L 30/12
- Hen Zero R 30/12
- Hen Zero C 45/32
Turn 8:
- Gobbler 54
- Hen Zero L 30/4
- Hen Zero R 30/4
- Hen Zero C 45/24
Turn 9:
- Gobbler 36
- Hen Zero L 26
- Hen Zero R 26
- Hen Zero C 45/16
Turn 10:
- Gobbler 18
- Hen Zero L 18
- Hen Zero R 18
- Hen Zero C 45/8
Turn 11:
- Gobbler – Defeated
- Hen Zero L 20
- Hen Zero R 20
- Hen Zero C 45/4
Gobbler The Hero?
After Denver has been evacuated, if Gobbler is still standing, Dr. Max Serizawa will tell the heroes that their best chance for survival is to help Gobbler. It has shown that he remains passive unless turkeys are being slaughtered. If Gobbler can defeat Hen Zero, they should return to Humboldt-Toiyabe to rest.
Heroes can try to engage Hen Zero directly, or try to empower Gobbler by feeding them butter, which will heal the giant Turkey.
Where To Get Tons of Butter?
Thankfully, the heroes are in Denver, and not far from a number of cattle farms. The heroes will need to locate a milk processing plant.
Roll: Wisdom + Area Knowledge: Denver or Study: Appropriate Topic, Difficulty: Expert (20)
On a Failed roll, it will take 4 Turns to locate.
On a Success, it will take 3 Turns to locate.
Reduce this time by 1 Turn per 2 Degrees of Success.
Alternatively, heroes can roll Fortune + Serendipity, increasing the Difficulty by 10.
Time is of the essence, heroes with 2 instances of Boost Speed can reduce the time needed by 1 Turn + 1 turn per additional instance, so long as they can deliver the butter.
A truck load of butter will restore 30 Stamina. If the heroes are not engaging Hen Zero, GMs should just add to Gobbler’s Stamina and continue to follow the pattern if there are less than 3 trucks of butter delivered to them. If the heroes can source 3 trucks of butter, Gobbler will have enough Stamina to win without other help.
An entire warehouse of butter will completely heal Gobbler and trigger a Turkey Burst after 2 Turns, a Long Radius Burning Butter Ball centered on Gobbler doing double the normal Damage. Heroes will see Gobbler burst into flames after consuming the butter, with their fire aura growing until the burst.
What’s Available, trucks or processing plants?
The answer us both, it’s more a question of what the heroes can get to Gobbler, or get Gobbler to.
If Gobbler wins Dr. Max Serizawa is correct, the giant Turkey will return home, it’s battle won, king of the foul.
Following the Turkey Day chaos, Branson and Denver are in ruins. Either Gobbler, Hen Zero or both have been defeated, and the world can begin to recover.