As Halloween approaches it’s hard not to get into the spirit. There’s any number of great superhero stories focused on the holiday. For our Halloween treat we’ve decided to go with a classic, let us now introduce you to Jack O’Lantern and the Unending Halloween.

The Unending Halloween – A Story Seed
Children roam the streets, dressed in their all hallows eve best taunting adults with tricks in exchange for sweets and chocolates. Someone standing in just the right spot can hear music from different parties overlap, swirling together in the late fall winds. Those that look up can see dark clouds drifting across the full orange-red moon. What the most perceptive of those in the throws of merriment may hear is the curling laughter that seems to shake the clouds above. Moments afterwards an icy wind blankets the streets, strange shadows riding its tail. Lights are extinguished, as ghouls and ghosts flicker into reality. The laughter reaches a crescendo as Jack reveals himself, a tall slender man, with a carved pumpkin for a head.
“Too long have my gifts been stolen by these…” He sputters, spitting out seeds. “.. children! Tonight, I reclaim my throne! Tonight, I reclaim my candy! Bring me my offerings, or be cast into an eternal Hallows Eve!” With his proclamation finished Jack vanishes. His laugh can be heard as the tallest building in the city was remade as a fitting throne for Jack.
Author’s Note: Jack O’Lantern as voiced by Tim Curry.
Background Characters
Ghouls (Power Level Based on Campaign + Sneak + Striker + Maneuver Specialist: Grapple)
Ghosts (Power Level Based on Campaign + Crowd Control + Immune: Physical Harm)
Jack O’Lantern
Jack is a cosmic entity, and exists as a concept. As Jack’s powers grow, reality begins to warp around him, and the city itself is transformed into a twisted, haunted, version of itself. We recommend Jack be treated as a disaster, as outlined below.
As a Disaster, Jack is immune to harm of any type, but can be persuaded, and other inventive actions may help dissuade his course of action.
Stakes: Should Jack succeed the city is plunged into a pocket dimension of Halloween nightmares to be ruled over by Jack forever.
Size 3 – Impacts the city
Ferocity 4 – Outside the ability for unpowered people to handle
Target 40
Damage 3 – Penetrating (Reality warping, or direct damage)
Success Threshold 11
Starting Advantage 6